
News & Events

Cash Controls Webinar: The Critical ODD Risk

Sep 22, 2023 11:37:00 AM

Castle Hall is excited to partner with Conduit Security to present a webinar on best practices around cash movements and wire transfers within investment funds.
Cash movements are a critical ODD risk – yet our diligence reviews continue to uncover frequent exceptions to expected cash controls, such as unambiguous dual signatory authorities over movement of fund assets (client monies).
Chris Addy, Castle Hall’s CEO, will be joined by Ryan Castle, CEO of Conduit, whose prior experience includes extensive work in cyber security and criminal investigations, including with the FBI. The webinar will cover: 

  • Best practice cash controls: accounting opening, setting up settlement instructions, and controls to move money (internal and external to the asset manager)
  • Why does this matter – a review of recent frauds and losses caused by compromise of cash controls
  • An overview of the Conduit SaaS platform designed explicitly to protect against wire fraud.                                                                             
When: Tuesday, October 3, 10:00 AM EDT
Link: Register here!
Topics:Operational Due DiligenceODDCash Controls

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Castle Hall helps investors build comprehensive due diligence programs across hedge fund, private equity and long only portfolios More →



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