Due diligence is long overdue for a fintech makeover.
Every investor has higher value questions, specific to their organization, which influence their investment decision. But core diligence questions - the manager / GP’s corporate structure, systems used, the compliance officer’s bio, etc., - are the same for all allocators. Castle Hall's DiligenceExchange enables managers and investors to use the same data framework to share core reference data, needed as the “first 50%” of every due diligence review, in a standard format.
The new DiligenceExchange Transparency Reports provide consistent due diligence – curated and independently verified by Castle Hall. Managers / GPs can join DiligenceExchange and distribute their Transparency Reports to investors - free of charge for both allocators and managers.
DiligenceExchange Premium subscribers access Castle Hall’s full database of more than 2,500 funds and unlock the data intelligence of our industry wide DiligenceExchange benchmarks.
Castle Hall is proud to partner with Opalesque to deliver DiligenceExchange to the asset management industry. Please enter your details to get started on DiligenceExchange!
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