Initial due diligence – the first screening step when looking at a new manager or fund – is instantaneous with DiligenceExpress - Form ADV Free.
Check out the video below which shows how to use DiligenceExpress to screen manager and fund ADV filings. Are there any potential flags?
- Use the Search tool to locate a Manager
- Navigate to the Manager Home Page in DiligenceHub
- Review the DiligenceExpress Summary, including any Diligence Express Analytics Factors. Has the manager triggered any potential risk areas?
- Click the printer icon to create an instant due diligence tearsheet. View online or download and save to your files, or forward to your colleagues.
We want you to get the most out of DiligenceExpress - Form ADV Free. Our team would be pleased to help set up your entire manager list for monitoring at no cost – click on the live chat feature to connect with our client support team who can activate your managers, and add additional user accounts for other members of your team, in a day or less.