Turn Diligence into Data - and Data into Diligence - with DiligenceExpress Analytics.
Not only can you run DiligenceExpress analytics on any registered investment advisor – that’s almost 20,000 records of asset managers worldwide - Castle Hall’s DiligenceHub tool offers portfolio analytics tools to review potential risk factors across all your managers, whether you have exposure to 10 or 1,000!
Individual Manager DiligenceExpress Analytics
To recap, to review the DiligenceExpress analytics for a particular manager, follow these steps:
- Navigate to the Manager Home Page
- Scroll through the DiligenceExpress Summary to review key information and identify any DiligenceExpress analytics factors which have been triggered.
You can also print the DiligenceExpress Summary by clicking on the printer icon in the top right of your screen.
Portfolio-wide DiligenceExpress Analytics
Now, the portfolio level tool! To view DiligenceExpress analytics across your entire portfolio:
- Select the Analytics page through the DiligenceHub menu down the left side
- Use View Analytics to build a custom analytics dashboard of individual, multiple (or all) DiligenceExpress analytical factors
- Drag and drop factors into the selection field
- Or select all factors
- Show results to view the output and scan through the table to see which factors have been triggered for which managers
- Use Filter Analytics to identify the managers which meet specific criteria – which managers have Risk 1 and Risk 2 but not Risk 3?
- Drag and drop factors
- Layer multiple factors
- Exclude factors
- Show results to view the list of managers with the requested list of characteristics
The more managers you place under DiligenceExpress coverage with Castle Hall, the more robust your risk oversight and analytics assessment will be.
Set up ADV Monitoring for your Full Portfolio - Free
To get the most out of DiligenceExpress, we recommend following all SEC registered managers and funds in your portfolio. We welcome you to contact us by clicking on the live chat button if you'd like help getting your full portfolio set up with DiligenceExpress ADV monitoring for free.
We hope the DiligenceHub Help Center will provide quick answers to your questions as you as you begin to use the app. Please browse the articles at your convenience - and, of course, feel free to send a support ticket or live chat with our team if you have questions at any time.